Instrumental Quantifications: Easy bottom-up uncertainty evaluations!

The paper “Monte Carlo Bottom-up Evaluation of Global Instrumental Quantification Uncertainty: Flexible and user-friendly computational tool” makes bottom-up uncertainty evaluations easy! (DOI

This research presents a novel and flexible tool for the Monte Carlo simulation of global instrumental quantifications uncertainty applicable to determinations supported on low quality and correlated calibrators values, homoscedastic or heteroscedastic signals’ variance, and calibrations supported on few calibrators’ signals.

Detailed prior models of instrumental signal precision are applied to daily precision conditions, by using adequate adjustment factors, to avoid the need for supporting sample analysis on many time-consuming and expensive replicate signals.

This methodology was implemented in a user-friendly MS-Excel file (make available with the paper) and successfully applied to the quantification of As, Cd, Ni and Pb in sediments extracts by atomic spectroscopy.

The excellent agreement between measurement results and reference values suggests that the developed tool can be applied to many other instrumental methods of analysis.